The Equity From Start to Finish program is designed to support the underrepresented population of African American male students in postsecondary education. Through targeted recruitment efforts, the program promotes 股本 and access in postsecondary opportunities, provides ongoing support for students to ensure they are retained and graduate, and expands program offerings that lead to workforce opportunities in high demand growing industries such as Industrial Systems Technology, Machine Tool Technology, and Welding and Joining Technology.
Increase African American male students’ recruitment into postsecondary education.
Increase African American male participation in high demand growing programs.
Increase 保留 and completion rates for African American males through the improvement of student success resources and programs designed to improve academic success.
We can assist you with the following:
Program Description:
The NCCER Welding and Joining Technician diploma prepares students for careers in the welding industry. Program learning opportunities 开发 academic, 技术, and professional knowledge and 技能 required for job acquisition, 保留, 和进步. Program graduates receive a Welding Technology diploma, have qualifications of a welding technician, and are prepared to take qualification tests required by industry. The program emphasizes welding theory and practical application necessary for successful employment.
职业选择: Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers – Estimated Median Annual Salary $41,251
Program Description:
The Industrial Systems Technology diploma program is designed for the student who wishes to prepare for a career as an Industrial Systems technician/electrician. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, 开发, and reinforce academic and 技术 knowledge, 技能, and attitudes required for job acquisition, 保留, 和进步. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to retrain or upgrade present knowledge and 技能. The diploma program teaches 技能 in Industrial Systems Technology providing background 技能 in several areas of industrial maintenance including electronics, 工业布线, 汽车, 控制, 制度, 仪表, 流体动力, 机械, 泵和管道, 和电脑. Graduates of the program receive an Industrial Systems technology diploma that qualifies them for employment as industrial electricians or industrial systems technicians.
职业选择: Industrial Systems Technician/Electrician, Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians – Estimated Median Annual Salary $55,195
Program Description:
The Precision Machining and Manufacturing diploma program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for careers in the machine tool technology field. Learning opportunities 开发 academic, 技术, and professional knowledge and 技能 required for job acquisition, 保留, 和进步. The program emphasizes a combination of machine tool theory and practical applications necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a Precision Machining and Manufacturing diploma and have the qualifications of a machine tool technician.
职业选择: Industrial/Mechanical Maintenance Technicians, 机械师, 主要是, and Robotics Technicians – Estimated Median Annual Salary $44,360
“The Equity from Start to Finish initiative provides an exciting avenue for Southern Crescent Technical College to expand access to postsecondary education options. By growing our African American male enrollment and providing the appropriate academic and student support services necessary to retain and graduate African American males we are exhibiting our commitment to diversity, 股本, 和包容. It is also a great example of Southern Crescent Technical College’s commitment to fueling the workforce talent pipeline in our region.”
– Xenia Johns, Vice President of 学生事务
夫人. Deidra挖
Director of Equity From Start to Finish